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Exhibitions in Corona times: It’s doable!

8. July 2020 Across the Board
Pictogram: Trade fair admission with safety measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A guest post by Isaac Tejero from MCH Group

Currently there is a lot of talk about how fairs have to reorient themselves to account for Coronavirus conditions. At MCH Group, we have decided to take things a significant step further and organized a sample exhibition in Basel on 3 July 2020, titled “Reloading Live.”

Symbolic Image: Self-Badging Gates at the MCH Group

In the Swiss Exhibition Center we have demonstrated how live events can be held safely and responsibly without imposing significant restrictions on visitors.

Through pre-registration, the participants could choose a fixed timeslot to enter the venue: 600 guests visited our showroom in this way. For them, most things went as usual – the biggest change was that pre-registration was mandatory.

In Switzerland, events with up to 1,000 people are again allowed since 22 June. However, organisers must make sure that the maximum number of people in direct contact does not exceed 300, for example by dividing the area into sectors.

Large events with more than 1,000 persons will be allowed again from September onwards, provided the epidemiological situation does not worsen. Visitors are advised to wear a face mask during the event, but masks are not compulsory.

Quick entry, with security measures

Perspex walls between the turnstiles provided additional security in the entrance area. While visitors scanned their tickets, the screens of the ADITUS Self-Badging Gates (SBG) displayed helpful reminders about social distancing rules. Staff used thermal cameras to discreetly check for visitors with high body temperature.

In the exhibition area, regularly spaced blue dots served to remind the public to keep a minimum distance of 1.5 metres. The aim was to create a signalling effect that was not too obtrusive, but encouraged responsible interaction.

The stands of the “Reloading Live” sample exhibition were built more spaciously and stood at greater distances from one another than usual – everything else remained the same.

In designing the showroom, MCH Group rigorously followed the recommendations of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Reloading Live reproduced all the elements of a real live event with the supporting protective measures, including catering.

Here you can see the current event trailer.

Symbolic image: MCH COVID-19 protection concept

Dress rehearsal for Autumn

The booths were manned by some of our associates from the IT, apparel and healthcare industries. This enabled us to illustrate the implementation of different concepts. A TV report by the SRF (Swiss German, starts at 7:30) provides an overview of the event.

Starting in autumn, we will put the concept tested with “Reloading Live” into practice at various events (e.g. the blickfang Basel design fair) in our halls in Basel and Zurich.

Isaac Tejero: Application and Ticketing Manager at MCH Group

We would like to thank Isaac Tejero, Application and Ticketing Manager at MCH Group in Basel, for his guest contribution.

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