We are the partner
you need for your success!
7 unique reasons for ADITUS
7 Reasons Why
We are the partner that maximises your success and scales without limits! With hardware, software, and services from a single source – seamlessly integrated – we generate incomparable added value and flexibility for organisers, visitors, and exhibitors alike. Get ready for an extraordinary journey: With us by your side, your event will not only grow exponentially, but also make a lasting impression. Our #eventprofs are ready to make your event an unforgettable experience. From #visitorgrowth to #exhibitorvalue, we enable unparalleled organic reach to make your next event a highlight.

ADITUS offers the only full-service registration and event marketing platform that drives visitor and exhibitor growth as well as brand awareness. This unbeatable interaction enables invaluable organic reach. #visitorgrowth #exhibitorgrowth

We ensure unsurpassed added value for your exhibitors through our unique Exhibitor Service Center – the ADITUS exhibitor portal. We improve customer loyalty, increase reach, and generate new revenue streams for organisers. #exhibitorvalue

Our innovative registration and marketing platform can be adapted to the wishes of our customers. It is continuously developed in-house by two agile software teams – exclusively for event organisers. Our chosen collaborations also lead to groundbreaking event successes, e.g. as one of the first test partners of the LinkedIn Community Builder.

Successfully tested over 50 million times a year for 25 years! The full-service registration and innovative one-stop admission control – with or without badge pressure – combine an effortless user experience with controlled access to the exhibition grounds in less than 3 seconds.

For 25 years, we have continuously invested in the most advanced technologies and created new industry standards. Want to learn more about our projects and the next big thing? Get exclusive info here.

Unique service at all times, at all levels: from self-service to full service – and everything in between. We provide on-site and remote support and are at your side around the event.You can rely on us!

Connected data
We enable the best possible and seamless connection to your existing systems. Through close integration, we achieve deep data integration with optimised data quality and maximum security.

Want to Learn more?
Immerse yourself in our success stories and be inspired by our impressive projects. We give you insights into our best practices and take you on a journey through the world of ADITUS.
Information Security:
ISO 27001 certified
Data Protection:
GDPR compliant
Data Validity:
FKM certified
right and fair joined
Charta der Vielfalt signed