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Certified According to ISO 27001: Highest Security Standards at ADITUS

By 17. July 2024August 7th, 2024Allgemein

We are delighted to announce the successful initial certification according to ISO 27001:2022. This certification confirms our commitment to the highest standards in information security since 23 June 2024. It applies to our company headquarters in Germany, the UK, and the United Arab Emirates.


Certification of All Company Divisions

The two-and-a-half-year intensive preparation for certification was challenging but extremely rewarding for our entire team. All of our departments, products, and services – ranging from software and hardware to internal processes – were certified without exception. Our Information Security Management System (ISMS) includes not only ADITUS GmbH (Germany) but also ADITUS Event Tech Ltd (UK) and ADITUS Event Tech Middle East LLC (UAE).

Security and Integrity at the Highest Level

The certification scope covers our entire business operations, all products, and services, as well as all core management and supporting processes. This includes in particular planning, development, production, implementation, maintenance, and operation, alongside the continuous improvement of event marketing, registration, ticketing, and admission systems for trade shows and events.

Our Path to Certification

  • Identification and evalution of potential risks
  • Risk minimisation through appropriate measures
  • Intensive training for all employees
    • Increasing awareness of information security
    • Promoting security-conscious behaviour
  • Updated and strengthened IT infrastructure and security protocols
  • Introduced processes for continuous monitoring and improvement of our information security measures

Comprehensive Audits and Continuous Improvement

This certification officially confirms the corporate culture we have been practising for many years: our partners and customers can rest assured that their data is in safe hands with us. We will continue to undergo annual audits to continuously improve our security standards.

We are immensely proud of this significant achievement. We thank everyone involved for their commitment and look forward to the challenges and successes ahead.

What the TÜV Auditor Says

“ADITUS was able to demonstrate that the processes within the scope are very well mastered. The ISMS was successfully introduced in 2023-24 and is already being practised within the company. Those responsible for the ISMS showcased practical implementation and documented evidence of traceability.”

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