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How to Integrate Rapid Tests into the Registration Process

26. April 2021 Across the Board
Pictogram: Corona Rapid Tests in the registration process

Since March, German citizens have a right to one rapid antigen test each week; students take daily virus tests. These tests are performed in pharmacies, doctor’s offices and specialized test centers. At the same time, antigen self-tests have gone on sale in drugstores and supermarkets.

For trade show operators, this raises the question of how rapid tests can best be integrated into their event registration process.

ADITUS has worked out a workflow for this. Organizers have two options: They either set up on-site test centers as part of their hygiene policy and carry out monitored self-tests, or they record verifiable results of external tests before admission.

Integrate rapid tests into the event workflow

When registering for the event, participants buy their ticket as usual. They can then choose between different methods of providing either proof of vaccination or results of a rapid antigen test. In each case, the verification can be provided as part of the registration process or on-site.

The following options can either be chosen during registration or at any time before the event:

  • registration with digital proof of vaccination
  • registration with external confirmation of a negative test (PCR or rapid test)
  • Purchase of an on-site rapid test including a pre-arranged time slot

On-site admission works as follows:

  • Attendees who have pre-accredited themselves via proof of vaccination or an up-to-date test will have an activated ticket that allows them to enter the trade show directly.
  • All other participants go through the rapid test process.

On-site rapid antigen tests

The rapid antigen test process may look like this:

  • Participants enter the on-site rapid test area.
  • There, they receive a self-adhesive label issued through a contactless badge printer.
  • Participants use the label to register with the test personnel.
  • The label subsequently links the test status to the participants’ ticket data.
  • The rapid test is performed; participants enter the waiting area.
  • The test personnel transfers the results to the event software (Web-TERP).

In case the event site lack the space required for a waiting area, decentralized open air tents are a possibility, where tested participants can wait for their results.

Test result first, admission second

Negative test results are transmitted digitally to the participants and the assigned tickets are activated. The participants can then enter the event premises.

Participants who test positive receive a discreet e-mail with their result. Technically, it would also be possible to automatically refund the admission price to affected participants.

Are you already working on a solution for resuming live operation or do you need support in implementing your concepts? Should you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you.


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