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Comprehensive Framework Agreement with Messe München

By 12. February 2024February 4th, 2025Kunden

Messe München GmbH and ADITUS GmbH conclude a new comprehensive framework agreement until the end of 2027.

Venue of Messe München

Venue: Messe München

Successful Major Events Thanks to Cutting-Edge Technology

After five years of cooperation, we have signed a new framework agreement with Messe München. We will be supplying one of our largest customers with top-notch hardware, software, and services for the next four years. In particular, upcoming major events such as the bauma 2025 construction machinery trade show demand a high level of commitment: with a large number of admission controls, personnel, and high system stability, together with bauma we will master the world’s largest trade show by area and many of Munich’s leading world trade shows. Let’s rock!

“Gold” Software Update Package

Opting for our “Gold” software update package entitles Messe München to thorough upgrades. They will be the first customer to receive the licence upgrade for their newly arrived ADITUS Mobile Supervisor v6 – the new model of our wireless handheld scanner for mobile and flexible admission. Another highlight is the access to our New ADITUS Visitor Portal v5. Messe München will benefit from the brand-new UX, fundamental technology renewal, and enhanced functionalities as soon as all features and add-ons are adopted.

These innovations are the perfect way to kick off Messe München’s 60th anniversary year. We say: Congratulations!

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